Hello, My original question was: >I have a shapefile which has two separate polygons >sharing a single record in the attribute table. How >can I 'split' them so that they are truly two >different shapes? > I chose to go with the Xtools suggestion and it worked very well. Thanks to Don Sluter, Michael S. Batcher, Kathi Hannaford, Rodrigo Souza Barneche The responses were: Select each polygon separately, and convert to shapefile (under the Theme menu). Sounds like they have been dissolved. Try xtools, which you can get from The ESRI scripts site. There is an option to create single part shapes from multipart. I think that will solve your problem. Use the "explode" script from esri ArcScripts or the "convert multipart to single part" function in Xtools extension (download from ArcScripts or www.odf.state.or.us/sfgis/). ...you can split the shape into their individual portions by getting the spatial column in the table (i.e. "shape" for .shp files) record and issuing the "EXPLODE" command. Use the 'clean' command at the edit tools extension. If you don4t have this extension, here it is. -------------------------- Doug Atkinson douglasatkinson@yahoo.com __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year! http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/